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The Priestess of Avalon *
Spiritual Initiations into the
mystical Path of the Goddess

Pilgrimage with Mary Magdalene & Merlin

along the sacred land of Avalon - Garden Eden Codes

for woman 


Glastonbury UK | May 18 - 25, 2024 over Pentecost


Spiritual retreat to activate the divine feminine spirit of the Goddess within!
The Goddess of Avalon and her Angels of Light will open a powerful portal of deep initiation into the Goddess path of abundance. The feminine spirit of Christ is the key to unlocking this portal. The divine presence and guidance of the "Lady of Avalon, Merlin, Mary Magdalene, Jesus, Mother Mary and Sarah Tamar" will open the gateway to your higher heart and your inner Eden. The Goddess of Avalon is known as the Goddess of abundance, wisdom, true love and beauty. Her presence and guidance on the sacred land of Avalon in co-creation with the holy family will activate the Light of your Priestess-Goddess within and be awakened into a powerful presence on Earth. She will become more visible and witnessed by the Priestess/Sisterhood of Light.

The Priestess of Avalon is opening a new spectrum of Light to create from the consciousness of unity, divine truth, love and true abundance. Worshipping the Garden of Eden within and without through the presence of the one loving heart of the Divine Goddess. The Priestess of Avalon has the ability to hold the divine Light within her heart and womb. The inner Rose Garden of her womb will blossom and shine its Light of sacred beauty. It is a true empowerment for the Priestess of the

New Earth. The golden Temples of Avalon are a gateway to the unseen and the mystery of the Goddess of Creation.


Beloved Priestess of Light!


We would like to invite you on a mystical, sacred pilgrimage to Avalon, the "land of the ever young". Avalon, known in Celtic mythology as Avalach, is a place of deities and supernatural realms of eternal youth, beauty, health, abundance and joy.

The powerful place where King Arthur, Merlin and the myth of the Holy Grail took place. It is said that "Mystical Christianity" was born there through the presence of Mary Magdalene and her heritage. She arrived in this sacred land after leaving Israel to find a new home. She connected with the Lady of the Lake, the "Goddess of Avalon" and received many initiations into the elemental powers. She decided to stay and found her Mystery School to support the priestess and woman on this land.

The Temples of Avalon is a place between worlds where the Goddess is bringing love and abundance to those who are pure of heart. She is calling your name and awakens you into your inner Goddess of Light. She saved King Athur's life after a fight and brought him to her island "Avalon". It is said that King Arthur is still there.

Merlin was his right-hand and was a great magician at that time. Merlin's magical presence can be felt throughout the land. He was loved by the priestesses of Avalon and he was their great guide and protector. 


Mary Magdalene left a great imprint on this holy land with her daughter Sarah Tamar. She represents the frequency of the "Holy Grail", the unity consciousness of Christ. Mary was very close with Merlin and his teachings of magic. As an initiate of Isis, she loved to be in his presence. The power of magic was weaving its beauty of creation. She co-created with him and the Lady of Avalon to anchor the Holy Grail Light in Europe. Orient and Oxidant merged. The ley lines were activated between Egypt, Israel and Europe. The Christ Dragons started to weave its magic of Light in a multidimensional way to spread the Light of Christ, the mission began.

We are asked to return as Priestess of Light to the Temples of Avalon to remember the teachings and the love of the Goddess, our lineage of the Rose and the powerful Light of the land. As we know that the "New Messiah Light" has to be activated through the 144,000 Christ Souls. I have been guided to this sacred land twice in the last 4 years to worship the Goddess and activate the new Christ Light together with Mary Magdalene. I accomplished my mission in activating the "7 Temples of Christ" in October 2023 after traveling through 7 countries and opening new multidimensional portals for the New Christ Light to come.


Avalon was the last and most important place to anchor the new Christ Light for the world. I am called to bring a group of women to Avalon to remember the ancient and future Christ codes and to maintain this new Light through the spirit of Avalon.

The new golden earth is calling forth the Priestesses to activate Gaia through the golden Temples of Avalon. 


This retreat will be a journey to various sacred places in Glastonbury where you can connect with the energies of the true Avalon and its magic. You will visit the Chalice Well (Red Spring) and the sacred Garden of Mary Magdalene, the White Spring, the Tor, the Temple of the Goddess Lady of Avalon and of course the Abbey (Castle) of King Arthur.


We will walk, pray and connect with the powerful ley lines of Mary Magdalene and Archangel Michael and unite our souls in sacred union with the stars and the earth. We will ride the golden dragons through the multidimensional portals of Light where we will gather the wisdom of the stars and the earth. The year 2024, the Dragon Year, will support the empowerment of the Goddess in every woman. The land will speak its own language of wisdom and truth and you will remember your Priestess lineage.

As we walked in Priestesshood and Sisterhood of Light, united for the highest good of all.


We are waiting for you in the sacred land of wonders. 

Let us unite under the stars of Avalon for the new Eden on Earth.

Thank you for your service of Light!

All my love and blessings,

Anjuna Ma Saraya & Council of Light


The program will be filled with this magic:

* Spiritual initiation into the Priestess of the Light of Avalon 


Teachings of the Rose of Mary Magdalene - the feminine Christ 


* Unity Codes of Sarah Tamar 


* Activation of the Earth Goddess/Lady Avalon & Garden Eden codes of abundance and harmony


* Darshan of healing & blessings through the presence of the Divine Mother Goddess, Mother Mary & Sophia Christ


* Connecting with Merlin and his "Healing Magic"


The plan:


I will be holding the channel for the Goddess and her angels of light. We will guide you on this sacred land and its portals of the Holy Grail.

Deeper spiritual initiations and soul journeys will be held in our beautiful private temple space "The Goddess House" at Glastonbury Center, next to Mary Magdalene Church - 28 Magdalene Street, Glastonbury BA6 9EJ, Novala Room.


We meet every day from 9.30 am - 1.00 pm for the sacred soul initiation in our private Temple

 “ The Goddess House” & visits of the sacred sites from 3.30 pm - 6.30 pm / 7.00 pm.


Break is from 13.00-15.30 where you can rest or have lunch with your sisters. 

All sacred sites can be reached by foot.


Retreat concept:


This retreat offers only the venue for the teachings. The accommodation and food has to be self organised. Each participant is self responsible how to get to the venue. 


You can take a bus from the Airport Bristol to Glastonbury or you rent a car. The bus takes about 1.5 hours. We can help you with an accommodation list or informations how to get to the venue. We will create a what’s app group  where you can connect with each other,  share the places  and maybe travel together.



What to bring and how to prepare:


Goddess dresses (white, blue and red), spiritual items you love, your drum or crystal bowl, comfortable shoes for walking, a book for writing, a water bottle, a jacket for the evening, good energy and an open heart to connect with love. We will provide tea and water in the temple space. Please bring your snacks for the day. Try to eat a sugar-free, healthy and light meals during the retreat. Prepare yourself a week in advance with a fasting diet or very light food.

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2400 EUR  Full Price


2000 EUR until March 15.


Deposit of 500€ to safe your spot.


Places are limited to 15-18 people.



 All teachings, initiations and the pilgrimage.

Entry fees of the sacred sites are not included.

Please send me your application with a short text about your spiritual path and your intention for the journey:


End of registration 30.04.24

If you have any question please contact Anjuna.


I look forward to meeting you among the stars, beloved sister.

I send you blessings upon blessings! 
All my love Anjuna Ma Saraya.


Terms & Conditions

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It is a spiritual advance retreat. Please send me your application with a short text about your spiritual path and your intention for the journey:

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